
if you read hack land ii, it should be understood that land is not anyone's property. we can claim and maintain territory, but never “real estate” or “private property”, which is part of a shell game invented by swindlers long ago. going forward i will use the words 'territory' and 'land' interchangeably.

in the 2023 publication of a hacker's mind, author bruce schneier frames hacking as something that pretty well targets the state, its institutions and corporate partners. he does highlight systems in general, but the rhetoric he uses throughout the book is that wE MuSt PrOtEcT oUr DeMoCrAzcy fRoM tHe bAd hAx.

from the perspective i hold about land sovereignty, schneier's book gave me an occasion to examine the hacking analogy of this increasingly degenerate technocratic neofeudal state of which he so stupidly endorses.

in a way, central planners and the mafia they work for are the ones who have hacked the way we used to interact with the lands that sustain us, which were healthier ways largely in equilibrium with nature.

the predators themselves are the ones who forged the modern land title/torrens title system (formerly a deed-based system) and then forced everyone to conform to it. more on that later.

they essentially mimicked how animals were being farmed, and began to apply a farming model to us human beings, hacking our psychology every step of the way.

depending on how you look at it, either we have to patch the vulnerability (what are our vulnerabilities with respect to territory? hmmm...), or we have to be the ones who design the exploit. that point will be elaborated on as i proceed with this series.

bear with me as a swerve all over the fucking place with my ideation.

land used to be held in common, and there were some excellent reasons for doing so, at least from the perspective of the People.

you may not have noticed, but the global mafia has worked diligently for centuries to erase the commons. this is well detailed in james boyle's 2008 masterpiece the public domain: enclosing the commons of the mind

i propose a return to the commons. a healthy relationship with one another and with the land ought to begin with this principle.

a following installment of hack land will explain what this looks like and... because talk is cheap and i'm sick of progressive academics and thinkers with cushy jobs who advocate for all sorts of revolutionary arrangements but whose salary relies on them staying mostly theoretic.... introduce a first-hand account of how i share over 100 acres of land with multiple households in common.

i never hear anyone speak about corruption anymore.

in fact, i have started to think that the thought-terminating cliche known as 'conspiracy theory' newspeak has become the substitute for plain old corruption.

think about it.

exposure of corruption in the medical-industrial-cartel/complex is often painted as, or conflated with, “antivaccination” and idiocy.

exposure of corruption in the treacherous judicial system gets tied to decoys like “sovereign citizen/freeman-on-the-land”. anticorruption law activists are defamed as fraudsters, fools, felons, extremists.

exposure of the toxin of electromagnetic radiation, radiowaves, and so on as a result of telco/big comm tech bottomline bullshit is routinely characterized as wacko nonsense only worthy of being ignored.

exposure of surveillance capitalism can be seen as a result of paranoia or even precrime. “you don't have anything to hide now, do you!? DO YOU!?”

exposure of the true terrorists who design and maintain this grotesque system — the parasitic criminal class itself embodied in the cult of the State — is simply called terrorism.

but the one common, pithy tactic used incessantly by propagandists as newspeak is to replace actual provable corruption with “conspiracy theory”.

there are no more anticorruption activists or civil rights activists, only theorists! (with the exception of.. ahem.. authorized activists)...

always to be doubted and defamed, never to be taken seriously by the sleepwalkers of babylon who are both benefactors and victims of a cruel con game.

if you are someone inclined to speak on things that most normies implicitly understand but are too scared to express or acknowledge (see: rampant corruption and conspiracy in plain sight) consider referring to such matters as corruption.

i swear people you speak to who might normally shudder, change the subject, or wet the bed over things like staged pandemics, false flags, and psyops will respond more receptively if you focus on corruption. why? because the people know about corruption and revile it.

the borg does not want us to have corruption in our discourses because they know it is a unifying cause. i challenge you to find one person you know who isn't anticorruption!

win the hearts and minds of men show them a unified front and have fun doing it cancel the cabal

addendum: i just plugged in “anticorruption” into a search engine and guess what all the top hits are? governments... wow, their anticorruption departments must be VERY ACTIVE. HA.

hack land I

This is one of my favorite land-related quotations of all time.

“The first person who, having enclosed a plot of land, took it into his head to say this is mine and found people simple enough to believe him was the true founder of civil society.

Rousseau goes on to say:

What crimes, wars, murders, what miseries and horrors would the human race have been spared, had some one pulled up the stakes or filled in the ditch and cried out to his fellow men: “Do not listen to this imposter. You are lost if you forget that the fruits of the earth belong to all and the earth to no one!”

first off, let's get things clear about what i don't mean by LAND.

i do not mean private property. i do not mean “real estate” or any other related conceptual bullshit.

land to me is soil, is sacred territory — a higher substrate above & beyond the wet dreams of the utilitarian and capitalist speculator of modernity.

many free men and women have a difficult time coming to terms with the truth that land does not, and cannot, ever belong to any species as “property”.

to believe in property as anything but irascible is the result of a confidence trick that has metastasized in the collective psyche of humanity since the mon-eyed vampires set it into motion ages ago...

you may hold possessions and a territory, but not property because the notion of property is neither legitimate nor sensible. it is not rightful. it is specious. it is dogma.

i bring you a simple english nursery rhyme to help illustrate my point so i can move the fuck on.

they hang the man and flog the woman that steal the goose from off the common but let the greater villain loose that steals the common from the goose.

the law demands that we atone when we take things we do not own, but leaves the lords and ladies fine who take things that are yours and mine

hack land? what dat? how us do dat, yoo ask?

i will explore such quest!ons as I type, and i have a few ideas the likes of which come from le author's own feral life choices.

making an example of my self, i have been in the process of hacking land hyperactively over the course of the past seven years — longer still wherein my travels abroad i undertook the lofty and ill-equipped task of digging an underground lodge on some public lands down under.

thusly i am a feral dirtbag masquerading as a domesticated man.

this ashamed domesticated man in me falls for the charade that land is “owned” by “the state” or a “monarchy” ... which of course is a patently absurd hoax invented by wealthy incestual degenerate family dynasties to keep the poor from murdering them with impunity for their perennial crimes against humanity.

i think it is important to hack land because none of yew cypherhunks can fiddle with your homelabs without being xploited/xtorted by the landlord, the t4x collector, the banker, or some other neofeudal goon bootlicker. that said, it is more important still than toys and tools.

i hold no higher ground, have no superiority because although i have thrown off the y0ke of both landlord AND banker, i sadly have not yet escaped/deterred/defenestrated the t4xman. that's okay because to have no mortgage nor rent on acreage with home on it in 2024 is a very real exploit!

h4cking land takes time mate! more to come...

p.s. hack land thru copyright?!... just an example of how one might use their imagination to crack the code

in our struggle for liberation we won't get very far until we learn how to claim some territory, declare it ours, and defend it and ourselves from predation.

what good is a nomadic lifestyle if the only places left to go are slave plantations and shopping malls?

territory is needed. everyone wants it, everyone needs it, but gangs of plutocrats claim they own it all. the neofeudal state of serfdom that humanity finds itself embroiled in does not want people to return to the land, to take it and develop an intimate relationship with it. why? because if people come to rely on the land, to know it, to trust it, to care for it, they will fight like hell to protect it. the parasite class know this and know they could not defend 'their' territories from a decentralized, assertive occupation of free people.

like the emancipated ones at veritas, paznia, chiapas, and rojava, we must return to the land & carve out our autonomous zones.

you bought land, you say? you bought a house? bull. shit. you did not.

you bought nothing of the sort. what you bought is title, which is no different than a permit to occupy whatever the state allows you to occupy. you are an occupant in the eyes of the state, a mere tenant, and nothing more. you don't preside over your own territory if another party requires you to pay monthly rent or property tax annually (i.e. tribute, shelter fee) in order to live there. what we must pursue is allod, or land sovereignty.

whether urban or rural, reject serfdom, claim your spot in the sun. as long as we're paying money to live on the earth we are native to we can never be free.

hack land!

next: hack land II

Paul Cudenec

Luminaries and thinkers of all stripes have left me with much to think about over the years.

My intellectual and spiritual life has profited greatly from the art of others. Along with joy and catharsis, there can be a good deal of risk and sacrifice involved in the creation and communication of one's art, one's thoughts, one's attitudes. Gotta respect it.

I sometimes think I ought to do more to share the work of these artists and revolutionaries who inspire me. I want to speak their names in the company of others. I want to tell the community about what I learn, and who I learned it from. I want to put their work on display and say fuck it, check it out.

Without further ado, I give you, Paul Cudenec. All I know is that he's a British essayist living in France or Spain or something like that, writing fucking awesome shit that makes me quake. His ability to write poetically about the divinity of nature while also being able to keenly explore the deep trenches of corruption is something rare. The flame of truth and liberation is strong in his work. Check it out.

His website (where he churns out material daily): https://winteroak.org.uk

His Journal website: https://nevermore.media/

One of his most recent books Converging Against the Criminocrats: Essays and Talks for the New International Resistance: https://winteroakpress.files.wordpress.com/2023/09/convergingagainstthe-criminocratsweb-1.pdf

Other books (hard copy): https://www.lulu.com/search?contributor=Paul+Cudenec&page=1&pageSize=10&adult_audience_rating=00

“We have to create culture, don’t watch TV, don’t read magazines, don’t even listen to NPR. Create your own roadshow. The nexus of space and time where you are now is the most immediate sector of your universe, and if you’re worrying about Michael Jackson or Bill Clinton or somebody else, then you are disempowered, you’re giving it all away to icons, icons which are maintained by an electronic media so that you want to dress like X or have lips like Y. This is shit-brained, this kind of thinking.

That is all cultural diversion, and what is real is you and your friends and your associations, your highs, your orgasms, your hopes, your plans, your fears. And we are told ‘no’, we’re unimportant, we’re peripheral. ‘Get a degree, get a job, get a this, get a that.’ And then you’re a player, you don’t want to even play in that game. You want to reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all this trash that’s being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world.”

― Terence McKenna

sometimes i forget about the impact cypherpunk subculture has had on my life. this occurred to me when i was crackstreaming the kings-grizzlies game, secureErasing freespace on an hd, improving my ipfs node, ripping songs off open.spotify with spotdl, and searching invidious simultaneously.

i must confess: it ain't enuff.

to what end i don't know. i suppose i am motivated to use the most ubiquitous instrument on planet erf in ways that promote self-realization and collective wisdom.

or... just maybe... i am only but a thief!

all i know is that the computer revolution is still underway and i am merely responding to it to the best of my ability, foolish as i am.

if it's useful to know how to hack n crack, hack i shall. perhaps my life will depend on it in what may very well become a technofascist future. in any case, i must teach the others, especially the youth.

but i want to show them revolt must not remain within the limits of a computer or device. i want them to see what it is like to live beyond the pale. to do things that challenge the self and that take us carefully to the edge or outside one's comfort zone.

the way we conduct ourselves online is no exception.

i have things to share and shit to say, and guess what? these two qualities, these two functions that are central to free societies and the communities of people everywhere happen to be the very functions and features that authoritarians want abolished, both online and off.

it's almost as though the establishment and its lackeys cannot handle people talking freely amongst themselves, freely sharing with one another the things that must continue to go unsaid for the con-men to continue with their grand illusion...

... lest the audience finds resolve in their outrage.

either they can't bear the implications of an unfree system spoiled by the existence of free people, or we are merely an obstacle to them, soon to be removed from sight.

whichever way the wind blows, best believe we bringing the mother. fucking. noise.

happy new year, my papal freaks.

something to know about me is that i don't have a whole lot of faith in cryptography and computer science as a means of preserving or securing my freedom. tremendous tools, sure. they're just not the destination.

now don't get me wrong, i dig cypherpunk, i am into it. i'm a bonerfide privacy advocate. antiauthoritarian~antiestablishment~abolitionist: triple A shit. plus throw in a little agora et al but i confess i'm more of a solarpunk~lunarpunk kinda guy. a re4l back-to-the-lander.

i am big on community. and here's what the privacy community is lacking: offline community.

how can us, a bunch of privacy, security, and anonymity folks build community if we're routinely hush-hush and apprehensive about sharing info about our personal lives with others? i say this because it is poor etiquette to de-anonymize oneself or others in this brand of subculture. i totally get it, i do i do. but i find it hard. it's just not a great foundation for a living, breathing human community arrangement.

like i said, i'm big on genuine afk community... like, in the flesh with other likeminded, self-actualized individuals. digital communing? not so much. i think online collectives of “users” are a sorry substitute for the true blue (and green) thang. with regards to self-education? the web has been a resource with no equal. i will give it that. erudites stand up.

so the question to me is... how do we allow our liberation to permeate our existence in a way that brings people together in the spirit of freedom, love, and truth? how do we bring that sweet shit about?

i can tell you right now, better VPS's, VM's and frameworks won't save us. Faster hardware and larger storage is just more consumerism. We want to do more with less—not more with more. Right? Materialism is a dead end. Resources are good. We want resources. Those are important, but consumer bullshit is not.

We need people networking, starting free enterprises, teaching, creating, destroying. organizing for our future, rejecting bondage with impunity.

despite the forces of conformity gone amok in modern dominator society, i know good work is being done all over the place.

i think more people are taking risks and getting more comfortable with dissent. some examples include, but not limited to, derrick broze's freedom cells, second realms, intentional communities, private land trusts, countereconomics.

if you like 2 lurn more, please indulge in this fat sack of hackliberty resources: https://forum.hackliberty.org/t/hack-liberty-cypherpunk-resources/17

get involved in your own liberation, today!

It's well known that a lot of us who dwell in Babylon pay/file income tax and a lot of people do not.

If you're reading this, you might fall into the latter camp. I know I do!

And by “tax” I of course mean voluntary donations to your friendly neighbourhood organized crime syndicate (formally known as the State or “muh government”).

Naturally, most conscientious individuals understand that attempting to take money from someone using extortion or fraud as means of doing so is wrong. Yet such wrongdoing is a tax collection agency's bread and butter. Let's learn how to toast these racketeers!

Don't pay anything to the State. Don't pay them anything! Don't even file. Are they going to pay you for the free data entry? I don't think so. It's time we get honest with ourselves; it's time to stop whitewashing the truth. Those of you who pay or file an income tax in 2023 to any NATO-aligned state, you are funding terrorism—plain and simple.

This is 2023. All modern territorial crime ring families that model themselves after the Westminster/Westphalian nation state are certified terrorist organizations. The bloated bureaucracy of the Predator class cannot handle all the people opting out of their technocratic toilet bowl.

These extortionist tax vampires do not have the resources to enforce their collection racket anymore. Don't you see? This is why central bankers and their cronies are trying to push for digital identity, money reforms, and big data. They will attempt to bar us from trade via automation if we don't submit to their larceny. But their pivot to a technocratic means of confiscation is kinda being done out of weakness. This is one of many reasons why we must learn to how to exist in a counter-economic climate, which is a historical life raft in times of scarcity and authoritarianism.

Similar to Derrick Broze, I lived with nothing but a passport for about 7 or 8 years. This showed me how to conduct some of my affairs underground. I have never owned a smartphone, but know my way around tech far better than yer typical gamified normie. My home address is not publicly known or searchable. Property I preside over is unregistered, not publicly known or searchable. Vehicle is not in my name. No mortgage. No car lease. No credit card. No debt. I intend to keep it that way, and improve upon all things private.

Driver's license. Passport. Bank account. These three things have been a thorn in my side for years. My passport has been expired for awhile because I can't justify getting a slave permit to simply travel. As a middle path I may choose to acquire a World Passport to use in places that recognize it (Ecuador, for example). The driver's license is a curse and I plan to attach a home ID to it to prevent joinder. I hardly use my bank account, but ultimately I would like to close it and open a new one under a different name. And of course, I'd like to get more accustomed to using Monero.

There is a lot I didn't touch on with regards to the tax racket that I would like to sound off on later when I'm able to think a little more clearly.

So there it is, another impromptu musing from your brother-in-arms, the xeleriac of the xerengeti.

The slavery of humankind is multifaceted.

Those of us who are wise to the ways of the Old Ones understand that enslavement isn't simply a physical condition. Some thinkers suggest that the most dour form of slavery is one of psychological, spiritual, and economic bondage, rather than physical bondage.

Author Charles Bukowski wrote that slavery was never abolished; it was only expanded to include all colors.

I love that quote. Years ago I spray-painted it on the side of a construction site. I think how he may have been giving us a clue, because in today's day and age, the debt slave is the most common slave of them all. Enslavement through economics is the black magic of modernity.

From an early age I could sense this condition of economic servitude in my personal life. All I had to do was look around at most adults. They were hardly ever home, and only seemed to really live to enjoy the weekends, weekends that were spent recovering from the previous week of work. Something is wrong with this, I thought to myself. Why do they do this?

I got my first job at 15 and it was a fucking joke. The pay, the staff, and the duties reflected it. I was a grocery clerk. To make a long story short, I worked these kinds of jobs for many years to come, frequently thinking to myself, I can't keep doing this. I couldn't bear to remain a witless serf for much longer. My conscience nor my intuition would allow it.

Operation Coronavirus lit the fire under my ass that would give me the shove I needed to finally pursue my own thingything. I spent the next three years kindling my confidence to try my hand at entrepreneurship.

Truthfully, working for myself was an idea I let incubate for over a decade. If I really wanted to level up my own liberation, I better start putting myself out there. If I don't make a noble effort, I will go nowhere. I will never get out of this cycle of bullshit jobs, wage slavery, and the inevitable descent into a life of indentured servitude and tax masochism (a life that, with near certainty, awaits all resigned, disempowered souls). I must begin to offer my abilities and affirm my own worth in the world.

Economic freedom on this plane of existence carries with it a colossal kind of power. As a fledgling entrepreneur I am only beginning to feel it. That I was not taught about such tremendous power in my youth is nothing short of astonishing.

But if you're reading this then you know why we are not taught the fundamentals of value, trade, or economics (with a little 'e' as opposed to Economics). The system wants us to remain, as George Carlin so curtly put it, obedient workers. “Just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, but just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs, longer hours, lower pay...”.

Like I said, I took a cue when Operation Coronavirus was underway and I lost a special job. Good god, I thought. These fucking conartists have exposed me, shown me how vulnerable I really am. I gotta make my own work while I still can. If (see: when) these devils try to pull another swindle, I will be better prepared.

So go forge the key to your own shackles. It won't be perfect. But realize this: if you put in even a fraction of the effort and energy you put into making profits for some rich cocksuckers, you will do okay. You will do better than okay because you will have claimed the privilege of owning yourself, even as you experience failures and letdowns along the way.

The kleptocrats and vampires that run this dimension do not want us to exercise the power I am trying to describe to you here. It is nothing mystical. It is the power of self-worth.

So get yourself out there. Believe in your abilities, as unassuming as they may be. Foster the skills you have already. Flesh em out if they are unclear to you. Develop new ones if need be. You have worth. You have value. Liberate yourself so that you may liberate others.

And lastly, make it count!