how “corruption” became “conspiracy theory”

i never hear anyone speak about corruption anymore.

in fact, i have started to think that the thought-terminating cliche known as 'conspiracy theory' newspeak has become the substitute for plain old corruption.

think about it.

exposure of corruption in the medical-industrial-cartel/complex is often painted as, or conflated with, “antivaccination” and idiocy.

exposure of corruption in the treacherous judicial system gets tied to decoys like “sovereign citizen/freeman-on-the-land”. anticorruption law activists are defamed as fraudsters, fools, felons, extremists.

exposure of the toxin of electromagnetic radiation, radiowaves, and so on as a result of telco/big comm tech bottomline bullshit is routinely characterized as wacko nonsense only worthy of being ignored.

exposure of surveillance capitalism can be seen as a result of paranoia or even precrime. “you don't have anything to hide now, do you!? DO YOU!?”

exposure of the true terrorists who design and maintain this grotesque system — the parasitic criminal class itself embodied in the cult of the State — is simply called terrorism.

but the one common, pithy tactic used incessantly by propagandists as newspeak is to replace actual provable corruption with “conspiracy theory”.

there are no more anticorruption activists or civil rights activists, only theorists! (unless of course, they're authorized activists)...

always to be doubted and defamed, never to be taken seriously by the sleepwalkers of babylon who are both benefactors and victims of a cruel con game.

if you are someone inclined to speak on things that most normies implicitly understand but are too scared to express or acknowledge (see: rampant corruption and conspiracy in plain sight) consider referring to such matters as corruption.

i swear people you speak to who might normally shudder, change the subject, or wet the bed over things like staged pandemics, false flags, and psyops will respond more receptively if you focus on corruption. why? because the people know about corruption and revile it.

the borg does not want us to have corruption in our discourses because they know it is a unifying cause. i challenge you to find one person you know who isn't anticorruption!

win the hearts and minds of men show them a unified front and have fun doing it cancel the cabal

addendum: i just plugged in “anticorruption” into a search engine and guess what all the top hits are? governments... wow, their anticorruption departments must be VERY ACTIVE. HA.