sermon i

sometimes i forget about the impact cypherpunk subculture has had on my life. this occurred to me when i was crackstreaming the kings-grizzlies game, secureErasing freespace on an hd, improving my ipfs node, ripping songs off open.spotify with spotdl, and searching invidious simultaneously.

i must confess: it ain't enuff.

to what end i don't know. i suppose i am motivated to use the most ubiquitous instrument on planet erf in ways that promote self-realization and collective wisdom.

or... just maybe... i am only but a thief!

all i know is that the computer revolution is still underway and i am merely responding to it to the best of my ability, foolish as i am.

if it's useful to know how to hack n crack, hack i shall. perhaps my life will depend on it in what may very well become a technofascist future. in any case, i must teach the others, especially the youth.

but i want to show them revolt must not remain within the limits of a computer or device. i want them to see what it is like to live beyond the pale. to do things that challenge the self and that take us carefully to the edge or outside one's comfort zone.

the way we conduct ourselves online is no exception.

i have things to share and shit to say, and guess what? these two qualities, these two functions that are central to free societies and the communities of people everywhere happen to be the very functions and features that authoritarians want abolished, both online and off.

it's almost as though the establishment and its lackeys cannot handle people talking freely amongst themselves, freely sharing with one another the things that must continue to go unsaid for the con-men to continue with their grand illusion...

... lest the audience finds resolve in their outrage.

either they can't bear the implications of an unfree system spoiled by the existence of free people, or we are merely an obstacle to them, soon to be removed from sight.

whichever way the wind blows, best believe we bringing the mother. fucking. noise.

happy new year, my papal freaks.