hack land II

hack land I

This is one of my favorite land-related quotations of all time.

“The first person who, having enclosed a plot of land, took it into his head to say this is mine and found people simple enough to believe him was the true founder of civil society.

Rousseau goes on to say:

What crimes, wars, murders, what miseries and horrors would the human race have been spared, had some one pulled up the stakes or filled in the ditch and cried out to his fellow men: “Do not listen to this imposter. You are lost if you forget that the fruits of the earth belong to all and the earth to no one!”

first off, let's get things clear about what i don't mean by LAND.

i do not mean private property. i do not mean “real estate” or any other related conceptual bullshit.

land to me is soil, is sacred territory — a higher substrate above & beyond the wet dreams of the utilitarian and capitalist speculator of modernity.

many free men and women have a difficult time coming to terms with the truth that land does not, and cannot, ever belong to any species as “property”.

to believe in property as anything but irascible is the result of a confidence trick that has metastasized in the collective psyche of humanity since the mon-eyed vampires set it into motion ages ago...

you may hold possessions and a territory, but not property because the notion of property is neither legitimate nor sensible. it is not rightful. it is specious. it is dogma.

i bring you a simple english nursery rhyme to help illustrate my point so i can move the fuck on.

they hang the man and flog the woman that steal the goose from off the common but let the greater villain loose that steals the common from the goose.

the law demands that we atone when we take things we do not own, but leaves the lords and ladies fine who take things that are yours and mine

hack land? what dat? how us do dat, yoo ask?

i will explore such quest!ons as I type, and i have a few ideas the likes of which come from le author's own feral life choices.

making an example of my self, i have been in the process of hacking land hyperactively over the course of the past seven years — longer still wherein my travels abroad i undertook the lofty and ill-equipped task of digging an underground lodge on some public lands down under.

thusly i am a feral dirtbag masquerading as a domesticated man.

this ashamed domesticated man in me falls for the charade that land is “owned” by “the state” or a “monarchy” ... which of course is a patently absurd hoax invented by wealthy incestual degenerate family dynasties to keep the poor from murdering them with impunity for their perennial crimes against humanity.

i think it is important to hack land because none of yew cypherhunks can fiddle with your homelabs without being xploited/xtorted by the landlord, the t4x collector, the banker, or some other neofeudal goon bootlicker. that said, it is more important still than toys and tools.

i hold no higher ground, have no superiority because although i have thrown off the y0ke of both landlord AND banker, i sadly have not yet escaped/deterred/defenestrated the t4xman. that's okay because to have no mortgage nor rent on acreage with home on it in 2024 is a very real exploit!

h4cking land takes time mate! more to come...

p.s. hack land thru copyright?!... just an example of how one might use their imagination to crack the code