tax vampires

It's well known that a lot of us who dwell in Babylon pay/file income tax and a lot of people do not.

If you're reading this, you might fall into the latter camp. I know I do!

And by “tax” I of course mean voluntary donations to your friendly neighbourhood organized crime syndicate (formally known as the State or “muh government”).

Naturally, most conscientious individuals understand that attempting to take money from someone using extortion or fraud as means of doing so is wrong. Yet such wrongdoing is a tax collection agency's bread and butter. Let's learn how to toast these racketeers!

Don't pay anything to the State. Don't pay them anything! Don't even file. Are they going to pay you for the free data entry? I don't think so. It's time we get honest with ourselves; it's time to stop whitewashing the truth. Those of you who pay or file an income tax in 2023 to any NATO-aligned state, you are funding terrorism—plain and simple.

This is 2023. All modern territorial crime ring families that model themselves after the Westminster/Westphalian nation state are certified terrorist organizations. The bloated bureaucracy of the Predator class cannot handle all the people opting out of their technocratic toilet bowl.

These extortionist tax vampires do not have the resources to enforce their collection racket anymore. Don't you see? This is why central bankers and their cronies are trying to push for digital identity, money reforms, and big data. They will attempt to bar us from trade via automation if we don't submit to their larceny. But their pivot to a technocratic means of confiscation is kinda being done out of weakness. This is one of many reasons why we must learn to how to exist in a counter-economic climate, which is a historical life raft in times of scarcity and authoritarianism.

Similar to Derrick Broze, I lived with nothing but a passport for about 7 or 8 years. This showed me how to conduct some of my affairs underground. I have never owned a smartphone, but know my way around tech far better than yer typical gamified normie. My home address is not publicly known or searchable. Property I preside over is unregistered, not publicly known or searchable. Vehicle is not in my name. No mortgage. No car lease. No credit card. No debt. I intend to keep it that way, and improve upon all things private.

Driver's license. Passport. Bank account. These three things have been a thorn in my side for years. My passport has been expired for awhile because I can't justify getting a slave permit to simply travel. As a middle path I may choose to acquire a World Passport to use in places that recognize it (Ecuador, for example). The driver's license is a curse and I plan to attach a home ID to it to prevent joinder. I hardly use my bank account, but ultimately I would like to close it and open a new one under a different name. And of course, I'd like to get more accustomed to using Monero.

There is a lot I didn't touch on with regards to the tax racket that I would like to sound off on later when I'm able to think a little more clearly.

So there it is, another impromptu musing from your brother-in-arms, the xeleriac of the xerengeti.