Paul Cudenec

Luminaries and thinkers of all stripes have left me with much to think about over the years.

My intellectual and spiritual life has profited greatly from the art of others. Along with joy and catharsis, there can be a good deal of risk and sacrifice involved in the creation and communication of one's art, one's thoughts, one's attitudes. Gotta respect it.

I sometimes think I ought to do more to share the work of these artists and revolutionaries who inspire me. I want to speak their names in the company of others. I want to tell the community about what I learn, and who I learned it from. I want to put their work on display and say fuck it, check it out.

Without further ado, I give you, Paul Cudenec. All I know is that he's a British essayist living in France or Spain or something like that, writing fucking awesome shit that makes me quake. His ability to write poetically about the divinity of nature while also being able to keenly explore the deep trenches of corruption is something rare. The flame of truth and liberation is strong in his work. Check it out.

His website (where he churns out material daily):

His Journal website:

One of his most recent books Converging Against the Criminocrats: Essays and Talks for the New International Resistance:

Other books (hard copy):