Internet chats are a thing.

I know that now.

Never used to be keen. I am keen now. I actually used to mock them, and in some ways I still do. “OoOo lOoK At Me I uSe XmPp”.

They are a curious part of the web where sharing is rampant. Sharing is the cornerstone of these places. Of course, there is your melodrama and absurdity; banality and sabotage and wholesale trivialities and general ugliness, yet it is all being shared.

This is why it is so threatening to authoritarians, especially those online enclaves where hackers and freethinkers log-in. Free speech. Free circulation of ideas, information, perspectives. Toss some cypherpunks into the mix and you got something you can't control. Which is mostly good, I think. Unfortunately, those wacky authoritarians will also see opportunities to compromise such spaces with propaganda of all stripes, an easy assignment given how tenaciously the public has been propagandized.

Censors do not want chatrooms to exist. Not without a great deal of surveillance. And eventually, I think, much of it won't be accessible without end-user licensing, permits, government registration, digital ID, up to date medical interventions, background and (social) credit checks etc. and the overarching loss of human dignity. The technocratic state is our common enemy.

These scumlords would rather plant CSAM all over these chatrooms—which I am almost positive they do—then let people have interpersonal exchanges in private. This is how paranoid and depraved the establishment has become.

All things considered, be advised to get going while the goings hot. The internet revolution continues, friend. There are no spectators. Only participants. Just don't get misled by what you see online. People thinking the world is a certain way because of what some users online say or share. Do not make that mistake. Your world is your community. If you don't have a community; friends, neighbors, and loved ones, get to work and build those bonds. I'm afraid the Internet will not supply you with it, but I know of some tech companies that would love to convince you otherwise....

This is a battle for the mind so stay alert! hic sunt dracones.

On another note, I'm taking haveno-reto for a ride. For all the would-be countereconomists, check out Nihilist's guide on how to throw down.