how to travel freely in an unfree world

the title should really end with a question mark to be honest. i want to know how.

i used to have a passport. i still do, but it's long-expired. when i share this with folks they might reply: “so you don't travel?” and i respond. “internationally? no. not yet.”

i love traveling. i did a considerable amount of it in the past. it stopped when i decided to put down roots somewhere in my native land.

i put my globetrotting aside to make a home and a family. thankfully i was decisive about it because now i have land with a cabin on it and acres for the kids to play. no mortgage. no lease. incredible community of likeminded people. few expenses.

now that i'm on the other side, i wouldn't mind traveling again.

problem is, i'm a free man.

not exactly a problem, but in an unfree world it's a fucking predicament.

much to my dismay, wisdom has brought with it a difficult truth.

that unless we affirm our natural right to migrate and travel at will anywhere on earth without having to ask permission, we will have to face the fact that we live on some sort of slave plantation we refer to as a “country,” a penal colony where we are granted leave by our prison wardens.

essentially, i recognize my freedom of movement and i'm willing to take risks to uphold it.

key risk: renounce my citizenship and go “stateless” (aka. our true nature = actually free).

what might this move entail?

i might want to produce my own travel document, or fetch one from the world passport authority (r.i.p. garry allen!). though i would prefer not to live in a world where i am perpetuating the expectation to “show my papers please”.

try to land a visa from a nation that recognizes free (stateless) humans and challenge the customs border thugs outright, like the great garry allen did, described in his book Passport to Freedom.

i really want to do this; i almost feel like it's my dharma.

this is a right very few people fight to defend anymore. i would like to be in that minority because i think it's still an important part of the Great Work to abolish slavery.

a lot of noise was made to resist the introduction of vaccine passports. why not actual passports that dehumanize us and reduce us to cargo and subjects of a criminal class hellbent on world domination?

if anyone can answer the question in the title to this post contact me ffs!