hacksteaders, unite!

first and foremost i'd like to thank KOW4LSK1 for the neologism hacksteader.... it got my smooth brain firing on a few cylinders.

q: what is a hacksteader? a: a hacksteader is a homesteading hacker.

never in my wildest dreams could i imagine that those who “live on the land” might also kn0w how to navigate a command-line but alas...

see, here's the th!ng—-back-to-the-landers who choose to live in the wilderness, the countryside, in a mountain village or a cottage somewhere typically tend to either treat digital tools as peripheral or simply unknowable.

little did 1 realize there is a middle path, a subculture of rural-dwelling impresarios who hack and homestead. i take a personal interest in such an intersection.

homesteaders are the ultimate diy'ers.

there have been days where i have had to re-route plumbing in my cabin, change the oil on a vehicle, fell a tree, and setup a tor relay on an sbc.

now i'm studying how to setup a mesh network in my rural neighborhood using point to multi-point network topology + yggrdrasil, meshtastic, or reticulum.

but i also want to improve my potato yield next year, build a guesthouse, and excavate a pond.

turns out there are others who like to get their hands dirty in the day and geek out at night, all in the spirit of freedom and truth.

what a time to be alive...